CATEGORY: Testosterone

Unexpected Beneficial Results of Testosterone and Estradiol Pellets in Women

Dr. Maupin details the many benefits of hormone replacement in women. A month or so ago I had a woman come to me for hormone replacement and one of the symptoms that bothered her the most was Lichen sclerosis on[...]

If you have Sarcopenia it means you have poor muscle mass….but what does it mean to your health?

Muscle mass does more for you as you age than just get you from here to there. There was  once a Saturday night live skit that featured one of their actors, Eddie Murphy,  teaching how to spell and say Py-ro-man-ia..and[...]

Fibroids are the most common cause of hysterectomy. But what are they?

Uterine Fibroids are the most common tumor in women world-wide. The most common cause of hysterectomy in women are benign masses that grow within the uterine wall. They occur in 4 out of 5 women, and they can be small[...]

Orgasm: Where Have You Gone?

How replacing and balancing your hormones impacts your ability to have an orgasm. I spent the first half of my medical life as a gynecologist trying to figure out why my patients would come to my office asking what was[...]

What makes us heal after injury or surgery?

Testosterone is an anabolic steroid and is necessary for healthy healing. Recently I had a shoulder replacement that went according to plan, and I healed amazingly fast. Of course, my surgeon was excellent, and he gave me preoperative instructions that[...]

Testosterone Replacement Is the Secret Ingredient to Reverse Aging

The recipe to reverse aging includes hormone replacement, diet and exercise optimization, and supplementation of necessary nutrients. There is an increase in medical news and research articles that talk about what aging Americans can do to delay the symptoms and[...]

Don’t stop medical treatment when it is working!

Just how important is it to take all the medicine prescribed to you? I often see patients at the office who come back to get BBH Pellets after a hiatus of months to years, that they tell me waiting was[...]

How your breast and thyroid fight over iodine.

You probably have never heard of the need for Iodine, but it is vital to human life. Ref: Brownstein D. Iodine: Why You Need It, Why You Can’t Live Without It. Medical Alternatives Press, West Bloomfield, MI; 2004. Women’s Pharmacy Newsletter. Iodine[...]

What your Dr. doesn’t tell you could save you thousands of dollars on medication

Replacing your hormones may reduce the number of medicines you are currently taking.   Medications are getting more expensive, and the % of the price of each medication goes up every year as insurance companies hold on to their profits. [...]

Estrogen replacement is now safe for breast cancer patients with ER+ breast cancer.

New information about estrogen replacement and breast cancer. For decades OBGYNs and oncologists have been denying estrogen replacement to women who have had ER positive Breast Cancer because they believed that estrogen would increase the risk of breast cancer recurrence…As[...]